属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-HTC使用安卓系统 面临巨额赔偿的控诉
1 | 他决定引退,不再竞争第二任期。 | He decided to bow out instead of fighting for a second term | |
2 | 他们不过在一两秒钟里交换了含混的目光,一切早成为过去。 | For a second , two seconds, they had exchanged an equivocal glance, and that was the end of the story | |
3 | 田北俊声明自由党支持董建华连任。 | Mr Tien pledged his party’s support for Mr Tung for a second term. | |
4 | 我对自己说,天呐,她太漂亮了,我明天一定要更仔细地看看她。 | I said to myself damn, she’s kind a cute I must tune in tomorrow for a second glimpse | |
5 | 我很喜欢这食物所以又去拿回另一盘。 | I liked the food so much, I went back for a second plate. | |
6 | 我想,在水下呆了一段时间之后,我的最重要的收获是认识到现在人们可以长久生活在他们过去甚至片刻也不敢停留的地方 | I think that alter I spent my time under water, the most important thing that I came back with was the realization that it is now possible for men to live permanently where once they could not even venture for a second | |
7 | 我一分一秒从没怀疑你,太棒了! | I never doubted you for a second . Wonderful! | |
8 | 我正留心着想买辆二手车。 | I’m on the lookout for a second -hand car. | |
9 | 吴荪甫渐渐声色俱厉了;但是阿萱那股神气太可笑,吴荪甫也忍不住露一下牙齿。 | Wu Sun-fu was fierce both in look and voice, but Ah-hsuan’s manner was so laugh-provoking that the former precariously parted his lips for a second | |
10 | 香槟酒首先在不锈钢大桶内发酵,然后加入葡萄酒、糖和酵母菌的混合物,再移到耐压瓶中进行第二次发酵,让其产生二氧化碳和发泡。 | The juice from these grapes is initially fermented in stainless-steel vats. A mixture of wine, sugar, and yeast is added, and it is then transferred to pressure tanks for a second fermentation that yields carbon dioxide and effervescence. | |
11 | 想到警察,他又有些灰溜溜的。 | The thought of police for a second paints his mind blue | |
12 | 性欲衰退的年长男子试图通过植入猴睾丸组织恢复青春。 | Elderly men whose sex drive had waned a little too much tried for a second lease of life by having a little tissue from a monkey’s testicle implanted | |
13 | 许多总统当选连任第二任。 | Many presidents have been returned to office for a second term. | |
14 | 要求在当天晚些时候再表演一次的建议,遭到了卫兵们尖酸刻薄的言辞的拒绝:“我们是在上班,不是在充当表演节目的海豹!” | Suggestions for a second performance later in the day have been scotched by the guards’ acid comment,“We’re doing a job, not acting as performing seals” | |
15 | 一个无赖,一个累犯,一个苦役犯。 | It is about a sort of blackguard,a man arrested for a second offence | |
16 | 一类二阶脉冲线性非振动微分方程解的渐近性态 | Asymptotical Behaviors for a Second Order Linear Nonoscillatory ODE with Impulses | |
17 | 一种新变步长LMS算法在二阶自适应陷波器中的应用 | A New Variable Step-Size LMS-Like Algorithm for a Second -Order Adaptive IIR Notch Filter | |
18 | 有海事行政违法行为的中国籍船舶和船员在境外已经受到海事行政处罚的,不得重复给予海事行政处罚。 | Where a Chinese vessel or crew member that committed an illegal act against maritime administration has already received maritime administrative punishment overseas, no maritime administrative punishment shall be given for a second time. | |
19 | 有几个候选人被叫来作第二次面试 | Several candidates were called for a second interview | |
20 | 有一天晚上,她晚饭准备了低脂的焙盘菜,当我要求再来一份时,她就对我大发起脾气来。 | And when I asked for a second helping of the low-fat casserole she served for dinner the other night, she totally went off on me | |
21 | 再次打破薪酬架构,以留住碧咸 | break his salary structure for a second time to keep Beckham at the club | |
22 | 这个时候,娜娜耐着性子等了一两秒钟,好叫爱利丝去肃清这个地方。 | Meanwhile, nana waited patiently for a second or two, in order to give Alice time to sweep the place out | |
23 | 这个小女孩老是不安分。她总是渴望出现一些新鲜事或令人兴奋的玩意。 | The young girl was never still for a second .She would always be on the qui vive waiting for something new or exciting. | |
24 | 这青年牧人站定了,脚下象生了根似的,他们马枪的枪托抵住肩头,瞄准那个抢人犯,用枪口跟了他一秒钟,然后开了枪。 | The young shepherd stopped, as if his feet had been rooted to the ground; then he put the butt of his carbine to his shoulder, took aim at the ravisher, followed him for a second in his track, and then fired | |
25 | 只有五分一人希望董建华连任特首。 | Only one in every five people believe Tung Chee-hwa should run for a second term as Chief Executive. | |
26 | 自动当选连任行政长官一职 | re-elected uncontested for a second term | |
27 | ||1:30年过去了,情况发生了怎样的变化?有两点很突出。||2:首先,自两德统一以来,人们的行为发生了巨大的变化:有年幼子女的东德女性全职工作的比例1990年时为一半以上,而2018年则下降到不足三分之一。||3:德国有越来越多的女性从事兼职工作。||4:东西方差距依然存在。||5:东德全职妈妈的比例是西德的两倍多。||6:结果就是,东德女性的收入比男性少7%,而西德男女收入的差距是22%。||7:该报道认为,造成这些趋势的原因是政策和态度。 | ||1: Three decades on, how has the picture changed?Two things stand out. ||2: First, behaviour has changed drastically since unification: the share of eastern women with young children working full-time fell from over half in 1990 to just under a third in 2018. ||3: More women across Germany are working part-time. ||4: Second, east-west differences still exist. ||5: The share of eastern mums in full-time work is more than double that in the west. ||6: As a result, whereas women in the east earn 7% less than men, the gap in the west is 22%. ||7: The report argues that policy and attitudes together explain these trends. | |
28 | ||1:能力倾向测试并不是一种新的想法。||2:流传一个世纪的智力测试颇受政府部门的推崇。||3:查理斯·约翰逊从事心理测试已经40年了,他负责构建用于招聘英国公职人员的测试, 他说,二战的影响深远。||4:英国人对德国军官的工作效率印象深刻,而且他们得知这些军官是通过情报测试选拔出来的。||5:英国为此创建了陆军部选拔委员会。||6:应试者除了要进行文字推理、非文字推理以外,还要挑战词汇联想练习、以及引导小组讨论。 | ||1:Aptitude tests are not a new idea.||2:Intelligence tests have been around for a century and were popular with government departments.||3:Charles Johnson, who has been involved in psychometric testing for 40 years and was responsible for constructing the tests used to recruit British civil servants, says the second world war had a big impact.||4:The British were impressed with the efficiency of German army officers and learned they had been selected with the help of intelligence tests.||5:This led the British to create the War Office Selection Board.||6:Alongside verbal and non-verbal reasoning, it challenged candidates with word-association exercises and being made to lead group discussions. | |
29 | ||1:维也纳这座城市充斥着恐怖和阴谋,对政治暴力并不陌生。||2:1975年,“豺狼卡洛斯”在维也纳劫持了石油输出国组织的石油部长。||3:此后,在这个奥地利首都发生的暗杀事件致使库尔德和车臣等国的民众丧生。||4:但在11月2日以前,维也纳并未像是伦敦、马德里或巴黎等危机四伏的城市一样,爆发过针对平民的袭击事件。||5:但11月2日当晚,维也纳市中心发生了一起持枪和持刀抢劫事件,造成4人死亡,23人受伤,其中有几人伤势严重。||6:在奥地利实行第二次冠状病毒封锁之前,许多民众在最后一次外出喝酒或吃饭时遭到袭击。 | ||1: Teeming with spooks and intrigue, Vienna is no stranger to political violence. ||2: “Carlos the Jackal” held OPEC’s oil ministers hostage there in 1975. ||3: Since then, assassinations in Austria’s capital have claimed the lives of Kurds and Chechens, among others. ||4: But until November 2nd Vienna had largely been spared the attacks on civilians that have menaced cities like London, Madrid or Paris. ||5: That night four people were killed and 23 injured, several of them seriously, during a gun and knife rampage in Vienna’s centre. ||6: Many were attacked as they took their last chance of a drink or a meal before Austria’s second coronavirus lockdown. | |
30 | ||1:在几年前,HTC还是一家很小、很不著名的公司,但是这家台湾公司最近的增长十分引人注目。||2:第二季度它销售了1100万台智能手机,比它去年同期收入的两倍还多。||3:HTC的主要竞争对手——诺基亚、三星和苹果,在智能机方面的销售量仍然是它的两倍左右。||4:但是它的迅速成长,尤其是在苹果的主场——美国的优异表现让它成为了一个需要顾及的对手。 | ||1:UNTIL a few years ago HTC was pretty small and relatively obscure.But the Taiwanese company’s recent growth has been remarkable.||2:In the second quarter it sold 11m smartphones, more than doubling its revenues in the same period last year.||3:HTC’s main rivals, Nokia, Samsung and Apple, still sell around twice as many smartphones.||4:But its rapid growth, especially on Apple’s American home turf, has made it a competitor to reckon with. |